Sustainability Statement

In this fast changing operating landscape, our differentiated service, innovation, and commitment to sustainability will continue to set us apart in humanizing our services. The Board firmly believes it must undertake economic, social and environmental aspects into considerations when developing, planning, and executing the entire business.

Over the years, the company has been mindful of our corporate social responsibility. During the year, we embarked on an initiative to review our internal approach to sustainability management to integrate sustainability into our business strategies, operations, our people, local community and even our corporate governance approaches. Moving forward, we aim to embed sustainability even deeper into our business objectives making the necessary improvements in our processes and ensuring that sustainability continues to be a major part of business growth.

At MAA Group Berhad (“MAAG”), sustainability is governed by the Board, which oversees the Risk & Sustainability Management Committee (“RSMC”). The Board is responsible to review the sustainability strategy. In ensuring that the company sustainability best practices and disclosures are made in line with the required standards, the Board has approved the appointment of Deloitte Enterprise Risk Services (“Deloitte”) to provide their expertise and guidance in sustainability’s matters.

In our efforts to instil sustainability, we conducted a workshop for Board of Directors, middle and top management staff. Through the workshop, we have developed our materiality matrix and prioritised our material areas – Economic Performance, Anti-Corruption, Employment, Customer Health and Safety and socioeconomic Compliance.

The aforementioned five key sustainability materials will be further disclosed in MAAG forthcoming sustainability report.